Who We Are
Wherever you’re at on the map or in life, Edinburgh Leisure is here to help you enjoy a healthier, happier, and more active life. In the heart of communities, we’re the largest provider of sport and leisure facilities across the city.
We provide activities for everyone as they move through their lives. As a charitable trust, every penny goes back into taking care of the health and wellbeing of Edinburgh.

Edinburgh Leisure is committed to keeping everyone active and well, always.
We manage over 50 sports and leisure facilities across the City. And we provide a range of activities in these facilities for everyone - wherever you're at in life. This includes delivering additional help and targeted health projects for those who need it.
But we can only do it with your help. Whether that's volunteering with us, donating, or just coming in and using us - you help us support the physical and mental health of the city.

Active Communities
Our Active Communities team support over 10,000 people a year to be active to improve their health and wellbeing.
We develop and run projects to help make a positive difference to communities in six key project areas.
- people living with health conditions are supported by Active for Health
- people on low incomes and experiencing inequalities are supported by Wellbeing for All
- older adults are supported to stay active and connected through Staying Active
- children and young people are supported to live healthier, happier lifestyles through Active Futures
- people with disabilities or additional support needs are supported through Everybody Active
- people living with mental health conditions are supported through Mental Wellbeing.
Edinburgh Leisure is our people
Our people underpin everything we do. We have a team of
over 800 from swim teachers to greenkeepers and from leisure attendants to
accountants and marketeers. They are well-trained and believe in what they do, so they go that extra mile to make sure your experience
of Edinburgh Leisure is a great one.
How do we know? Our customers tell us how amazing they are every day.

Leisure Attendants
Our professional leisure staff work in a number of areas to help and support our customers.
The team are very approachable and can assist or direct any questions you have relating to activities, equipment, courses, classes, membership or more.

Our welcoming, qualified coaches work in activities such as gymnastics, athletics, tennis, basketball, swimming, football and more.
Many have the highest of qualifications and are here to encourage everyone including special needs, disabilities and elite performance.

Gym and Class Instructors
Our experienced team will help inspire, guide and support you to get the most out of your workout.
Trained to a minimum Level 2 qualification, many have additional training to assist with specialisms such as rehabilitation, small group exercise and Strength & Conditioning.

Our lifeguards are NPLQ qualified and regularly recertified and trained to retain their standard and advanced qualifications.
A helpful, friendly team whose purpose is to keep our customers safe in and around our pools.
Gender Pay Gap
Edinburgh Leisure is pleased to publish our 'Gender Pay' information, produced in line with our legal requirements. We are delighted to report that we have no gender pay gap, and we will continue to work to maintain this position.
Gender Pay Gap Report 2017 [PDF]
Gender Pay Gap Report 2018 [PDF]
Gender Pay Gap Report 2019 [PDF]
Gender Pay Gap Report 2020 [PDF]
Gender Pay Gap Report 2021 [PDF]

Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors are elected or appointed members who jointly oversee the activities of Edinburgh Leisure.
They provide the strategic direction to help ensure we maintain the highest level of standards and performance whilst meeting the needs of our customers and stakeholders.