Brand new 3G pitch at Kirkliston Leisure Centre
We're now taking bookings for our brand new 5-aside 3G Pitch. Installed just this week, whatever game you're looking for, whether it's for a team sport on a regular slot or for an occasional game, we've got the space for you!
For regular slots, get in touch with our bookings team today call our office on 0131 458 2212.
The pitch is also available in 1 hour slots for outdoor 5-aside football, bookable online here or via our app.

If you are booking an Extended Let in:
One school, one pitch or one Edinburgh Leisure venue : please fill in a full form for the relevant area.
Two or more bookings in one sector i.e. bookings in two (or more) schools, or two (or more) pitches, or two (or more) Edinburgh Leisure venues: Please fill in a full form for your first booking in your sector. For each subsequent booking in that sector, you can fill in a shortened version of our standard forms by marking Yes on the box marked 'completed form.'
For a mixture of sectors, i.e. combination of schools, pitches and Edinburgh Leisure venues: Please fill in a full form for your first booking in each sector. For each subsequent booking in that sector, you can fill in a shortened version of our standard forms by marking Yes on the box marked 'completed form.'
Please note before booking
High School bookings are subject to:
- Planned maintenance (usually scoped by the Council for completion during holiday periods)
- Exam periods and school events.
- Festive period availability
Cancellation Policy:
For Edinburgh Leisure venues we require 3 months’ notice of early withdrawal from the extended let agreement. The hirer is not permitted to cancel any bookings during the extended let period.
For school and sports pitch lets we need 21 days’ notice of early withdrawal from the extended let agreement or for individual cancellation.
To avoid any disappointment, please be sure to add any dates not required on your booking form.