How to Book an Activity on Our App
To book an activity you have to have a booking account with us and pay if needed. Sign up for an Active Card to create a booking account and book activities on a Pay as You Go basis.
If you already have an Edinburgh Leisure Active Card, or are a member, we will have automatically set up an online booking account for you.
For other helpful tips on how to book an activity, please read our 'How Do I Book' Ask Us article.
Start your booking journey by downloading our mobile app for Android or iOS
Step 1:
Select a venue.
Step 2:
Select the activity you would like to book.
(For this example, we will pick gym bookings)
Step 3:
Under the activity you have selected, select the session you would like to attend.
Step 4:
Your chosen activity will appear on the next screen. Confirm that the details are correct and click 'Book'.
Step 5:
A button will appear that will ask you to complete your booking. Click 'Yes' and the booking will be complete.
You will be able to review your booking in 'My Bookings'.
Still having trouble?
If you're still having trouble getting booked onto an activity visit our Ask Us portal, where you can find answers to our frequently asked questions or submit an enquiry form to our Customer Service Team.