Be Strong Be You - Help and Support for Young People's Mental Health

We all have mental health, just as we have physical health, and it’s important that we take the time to look after it.   

About Be Strong Be You 

Being active isn’t just good for our physical health; it’s also proven to have a positive effect on our mental health and wellbeing.  Be Strong, Be You supports young people aged 12-18 who are experiencing mild to moderate mental health conditions such as stress, anxiety and depression to be active and thrive.  

Our specially trained instructors will give you the help and support you need to be active, have fun and feel better equipped to cope with the challenges life throws at you. This includes: 

  • One-to-One motivational support from a Specialist Health Instructor for 16 weeks followed by regular check ins 

  • One-to-One physical activity sessions 

  • A range of fun and sociable group physical activity sessions 

  • A free one-year youth membership to Edinburgh Leisure facilities 

Taking Part 

This pilot project is currently supporting young people in 8 high schools in Edinburgh – Liberton, Gracemount, St Thomas of Aquins, Castlebrae, Portobello, Boroughmuir, James Gillespies and Holyrood.  

To discuss how to get referred, get in touch by emailing  or calling 0131 458 2260

Sam, age 12, lives with his parents and older sister. Sam finds school challenging and sometimes has difficulty concentrating in class. Before he started being active, he spent a lot of time on his own playing video games. Sometimes he felt like his days were dragging and he had nothing fun to look forward to. He would get excited as the summer holidays approached but then when they came around, he would often feel bored and down. 

He realised something needed to change. After being referred to Be Strong, Be You by his Pupil Support Teacher, Sam started meeting his Specialist Health Instructor, Josh, every Thursday morning to go to the gym. Taking some time out of school to use up energy in a productive way has helped Sam feel happier, calmer and better able to concentrate in class. Outside of school, he’s started running and going to the gym regularly with a friend instead of playing video games. Being active has also inspired him to improve his diet and make healthier lifestyle choices. 

"The program has increased my levels of physical activity which has helped me think clearer, feel calmer and increased my concentration levels in class" 

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